AI: a passing trend or the dawn of a new era? 🌐🤔

On December 5th, 2000, the Daily Mail published an article with the headline, "Internet may be just a passing fad as millions give up on it". Fast forward to today, and it's almost comical to think of a world without the web. It's become the very fabric of our existence, connecting us in ways we could've only dreamt of back then.

Now, as we stand on the precipice of another technological revolution with AI, I hear echoes of the past. Skeptics murmur, enthusiasts debate, and the world watches with bated breath. Is AI just another "passing fad"? Or is it the dawn of a new era, much like the internet was two decades ago?

The truth? Only time will tell. But if history has taught us anything, it's that underestimating the potential of innovation can lead to missed opportunities.

Where do you think AI will be in 20 years?

🖐️📸 Iron Man tech in real life? — Imagine sifting through 75K images with just hand gestures. That's the magic @hturan brought to life with his new image search interface using ML.

🎨🔮 From Studio Ghibli to Hogwarts! — @ProperPrompter took a Ghibli-inspired image and, with MidJourney's Inpainting magic, transformed it into a Harry Potter theme.

🎵🧠 Pink Floyd through brainwaves? — Researchers decoded music perception, recreating a Pink Floyd jam from brain recordings alone. This could be a game-changer for brain-computer interfaces.

🎬🕰️ Disney classics reimagined! — A creative soul on Reddit took us on a time-traveling adventure, crafting live-action versions of Disney movies as if made in the year of the original cartoon.

🤝 The skills of the future are human skills — IBM's fresh survey of 3,000 execs shows 87% believe AI will amplify roles, not replace. But, a whopping 1.4 billion might need a reskill in 3 years. Since companies diving deep into AI will most likely see a 36% revenue surge, AI is here to stay. The twist? Soft skills like time management will now be more in demand than technical prowess.

Check out the “practical advice section in this newsletter to learn how you can sharpen those core “soft skills”.

🏛️ Did Mark Zuckerberg just pull a reverse Tower of Babel?  — Meta (formerly Facebook) unveiled SeamlessM4T, a groundbreaking AI translation model. From speech-to-text to text-to-speech, it's got nearly 100 languages covered. Inspired by the fictional Babel Fish, it's a leap towards a universal translator. They're sharing it with the world under a research license.

🤖 Customization is the name of the game — OpenAI's latest update lets developers customize the GPT-3.5 Turbo model for peak performance. A fine-tuned GPT-3.5 Turbo can rival, or even surpass, GPT-4 in specific tasks, according to OpenAI. Plus, your data won’t be used to train other models. This update is all about making AI completely yours and tailored to your needs.

📸 Dive into your wildest fantasies with Snapchat's "Dreams"! — Snapchat's venturing deeper into the AI realm, introducing "Dreams" - a feature that lets you and your pals immerse in AI-generated imaginative backdrops. From solo AI-crafted selfies to collaborative "Dreams with Friends", Snapchat's taking photo-sharing to a surreal level.

Future-Proofing Yourself in the AI Era: A Practical Guide

🌌 The Landscape Shift:

The digital age is reshaping the job market faster than ever. Companies diving deep into AI are set to see their revenues skyrocket by 36%. And while 87% of executives believe AI will amplify roles, not replace them, there's a pressing need to reskill a whopping 1.4 billion people in just three years.

🌠 The Skills You Need:

While it is important to stay on top of emerging technology and learning to use it, IBM’s recent publication suggests we should also be working on our soft skills. Time management, communication, teamwork, and adaptability are now the gold standard. They're what make us uniquely human in a world of machines.

 ✨ How to Boost Your Skills:

According to ChatGPT, based on the current landscape and the direction in which the future of work seems to be heading, these are the top 3 most vital soft skills you should be focusing on sharpening.


  • Without AI: Join a public speaking club like Toastmasters or engage in group discussions. Practice active listening by paraphrasing what someone has said to ensure understanding.

  • With AI: Use ChatGPT to simulate conversations. Pose a topic and try to explain it in different ways. Ask the AI to provide feedback on clarity or to play devil's advocate to challenge your articulation.

Problem Solving & Critical Thinking

  • Without AI: Solve puzzles, play strategy games, or engage in debates. Regularly challenge your own beliefs and consider alternative viewpoints.

  • With AI: Pose complex problems to ChatGPT and analyze the solutions provided. Ask the AI to play strategy games with you or to provide different perspectives on a topic.

Emotional Intelligence & Empathy

  • Without AI: Practice mindfulness and meditation. Engage in reflective listening, and regularly seek feedback from peers about your interactions.

  • With AI: Share fictional emotional scenarios with ChatGPT and ask for responses. Analyze the AI's feedback and reflect on how you might respond in real-life situations. Use the AI to simulate conversations that challenge your empathy.

This week’s prompt blends 3 art styles: panels + retro esoteric artist collage + double exposure.

Prompt courtesy of @KamaniMadeThis

⚙️ Prompt: [Your Subject], visually divided by 4 panels, different colors in each panel, retro esoteric artist collage, double exposure, intricate details --ar 16:9

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