Getting ready for our distant cousin, AI

Our distant cousin, AI, having tea in the living team

Growing up, the arrival of guests was always an event in our household. Especially when it was my grandparents. My mom would transform our home into a pristine sanctuary, ensuring every corner sparkled. The pièce de résistance? My grandpa's favorite dish: chicharron en salsa verde with refried beans and a mountain of homemade tortillas.

As an adult, I've inherited this ritual, sans the chicharron—that was grandpa's special treat. But this ritual isn't just about hospitality; it's about preparation:

  • Fluffing the pillows

  • Dusting every crevice

  • And making sure the skeletons are locked in the closet

The alternative? Hearing a knock and scrumbling to put on pants on your way to the door. No thanks.

So, here's a heads-up: it’s time to get dressed...

Because the future — in the form of our distant cousin AI — is knocking. It began hinting at its arrival with early tech innovations and made its presence undeniable with the advent of ChatGPT and other AI-driven tools. And the thing is…

AI isn't just passing through. It's got plans:

  • A vision to streamline business expenses.

  • A mission to boost our productivity tenfold.

  • A commitment to aiding doctors in early disease detection.

  • And an aspiration to be an integral part of our daily lives.

But here's the thing: Even with the best intentions, AI is set to reshape our existence. And change? It's not always our favorite guest.

Just as we'd tidy up for a dear relative, we must ready ourselves for AI. Unpreparedness could lead to unforeseen challenges in business, employment, and society.

So, how do we "clean house" for AI?

  • Educate Ourselves: Dive into AI's intricacies.

  • Stay Updated: Keep up with its progress.

  • Engage Directly: Familiarize yourself with AI tools.

  • Reflect on Implications: Contemplate AI's role in our world.

While the future holds uncertainties, knowing who's about to take a seat on your couch can make a world of difference. And if you're feeling a tad apprehensive about AI's "visit", remember this: it's always better to share stories over a plate of chicharron than to wonder about the tales you missed.

🤖 HeyGen's groundbreaking update is pioneering a new era where digital avatars not only look real but also sound incredibly authentic, making it increasingly challenging to distinguish between the virtual and the real world.

🔍 Metaphor's new API will allow AI systems to fetch the latest web content, expanding beyond its last training data and ensuring we get real-time, diverse, and relevant answers.

🕺 AI storyteller Dave Villalva's "The Dancing Gens" is a digital dance crew animated by AI using one image to generate endless moves. Dave blended a vibrant image with RunwayML's video magic and CreatorMix's beats.

📺 Dive into nostalgia Reddit user/MagicJourkneesas reimagined famous movies and shows as quirky 80's sitcoms, giving our favorite characters a retro twist.

🤖 Digital assistants just leveled up with Anthropic's "Claude Instant 1.2". This faster, more affordable AI offers enhanced chat responses, sharper text analysis, and improved math and coding skills. And with added safety features, it's reliability redefined.

🔍 TikTok's taking a stand against misleading AI content. Now, creators must label AI-enhanced videos, ensuring users know what's real. Following their 2020 deepfake ban, this move promotes transparency. And TikTok's not alone; Instagram's eyeing similar labels.

🕷️ OpenAI's new webcrawler, GPTBot, is on the prowl, enhancing AI models like GPT-4 by combing the internet. While it promises improved accuracy and safety, websites can opt out, blocking GPTBot's access. Given OpenAI's past data collection controversies, this move offers more control to site operators.

👨‍💻 Stability AI's "StableCode" is revolutionizing coding. This LLM generative AI tool assists developers with autocomplete suggestions, making coding smoother. Designed to bolster programmers in their daily tasks, it's also a valuable resource for budding developers eager to elevate their game.

Picture this: a super easy-to-setup approach to help you diversify what you post online. In this week’s practical perspectives, we’re sharing how to bulk create quote graphics in under 10 minutes using AI.

Let’s get to it!

Bulk Create Content with AI + Canva: A Quick Guide

1. Generate Quotes with ChatGPT:

  • Use ChatGPT's Code Interpreter.

  • Request 10 quotes related to your niche.

  • Play with your prompt so the content it generates serves you and your audience.

  • Ask for a CSV format with quotes in the first column and authors (if applicable) in the second.

  • Download the generated file.

2. Design in Canva:

  • Open Canva and select a quote template that fits your brand.

3. Integrate "Bulk Create":

  • Click on "Apps" in left-hand side menu.

  • Search and select "Bulk Create".

4. Upload Your CSV:

  • Follow Canva's prompts to upload the file you downloaded from ChatGPT.

5. Connect Data:

  • Right-click a text field in your design.

  • Choose "attribute data" and link the desired data from your CSV.

6. Generate Graphics:

  • Click "Bulk Import".

  • Follow the prompts: "Continue" and then "Generate".

  • A new tab will open with your AI-generated graphics.

7. Finalize:

  • Review and adjust the graphics as needed.

If you want to get lost in a creative space for a while, give this prompt a try.

Courtesy of @kattlatte

Prompt: [emojis of choice] 35mm surreal photography, black and neon --ar 2:3 --niji

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Until next time!

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